Saturday, April 2, 2016

Content Outline

This blog will provide an outline for Project 3: Sea World.

In my intro I will clearly state the argument I will be reporting on. I will describe the setting of all Sea World locations not just the California location. I here I will add Sea World theme music and possibly breaching sounds.

In my first section I will provide a background of Sea World and how the company got started. I will provide dates and records of the owner. These will help people understand why Sea World was founded. This will give people an insight to the founders mind.

My second section will state the actual controversy. This will be the bulky of my video essay. I will state some of my stakeholders and how the public is in outcry over the captivity of Orcas. I will acquire evidence of natural orca life and how it differs from captivity. This will be important to highlight the benefits and harms of natural life versus captivity.

My third section will destroy Sea World. Here is where I will get to the dirt of what goes on behind the scenes of Sea World. I will provide evidence as to why captivity is bad and the pain these animals are put through both physically and emotionally in their prisons. This will be important if I want my audience to be persuaded toward my point of view. (audio of calls)

My closing section will wrap up my argument. I will restate my position in the controversy reiterating the importance of the Sea World controversy. Larger significance: we are taking variation out of the gene pool of wild animals (Tilikum reference). Larger significance: using living creatures for our own pleasure even if that means harming said creature.

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