Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

This blog post will provide an analysis of all the aspects of Project 3.


your own general research interests.
  • currently anything handling animals not including animal testing.
your major(s) and/or minor(s) here at the University of Arizona.
  • Veterinary Science major. No minors yet
other subjects of interest you have encountered here or elsewhere in your recent studies
  • i am really enjoying chemistry and have always had an infatuation with American Sign Language
your academic and/or professional goals.
  • achieving a 3.7 final GPA. become a large animal veterinary surgeon
current-day social, cultural or political issues that you follow and are interested in.
  • i don't follow any religiously usually just what is big in the news or on social media
civic, financial, governmental, economic, and/or judicial practices that you follow and are interested in.
  • again I do not follow any
scientific and/or technological advances or news stories that you follow and and are interested in.
  • again I do not follow any
subjects of personal interest or study, for instance:

hobbies such as hiking & climbing, gaming/programming, following sports or movies or music, etc.
  • i love going places and exploring. fossil creek, sedona, california, mexico, where ever. I also am an avid US womens national team(soccer) fan.
skills you have committed yourself to acquiring like dedication to a sport, an instrument, a practice such as yoga or meditation, etc.
  • I played soccer for 15 years and absolutely loved every  minute of it. I played piano when I was younger but unfortunately did not stick with it. 
subjects you’ve read about previously in science or history or literature, etc.
  • i do not really understand if this question is asking about subjects as in people or topics. 
subjects connected to your life experiences, places you’ve traveled to, ideologies or philosophies you’ve encountered directly, unique experiences you’ve had.
  • I dont really understand this point either
        2.     What are the preconceptions, previously held opinions and/or potential areas for
                personal bias that you should be aware of for Project 3? 
  • being an animal lover and hopefully future veterinarian i have really strong opinions on animals in captivity that may spill over into my work
What about any of the following?

Your family of origin, and the spoken or unspoken set(s) of “family values” that come with belonging to that family.
  • my parents always taught me to be who I am and not let others influence what i do
The social class of yourself/your family (consider honestly your family’s level of access to wealth, real estate, travel, leisure, luxury items, etc.).
  • I would say upper middle class. everyone in my family (mom dad me and my sister) all played sports as I was growing up and we got to travel along with that.
The location/geography where you were raised, and whatever local norms, customs, attitudes, traditions, and/or prejudices come with belonging or not belonging.
  • I was born and raised in Glendale, Arizona. I dont really think there were any  norms or stigmas about belonging or not.
The religious and/or spiritual tradition you were raised in, and whatever beliefs, values, worldviews and/or prejudices come with belonging or not belonging.
  • I was raised Catholic and went to a private Catholic school until high school. There are a lot of stereotypes and prejudices that come along with Catholicism. I no longer identify as catholic but i respect it and how i was raised
The political beliefs of the family, community, area/region or state in which you were raised, and whatever attitudes, beliefs, traditions, values and/or prejudices come with belonging or not belonging.
  • Arizona is predominantly republican. Seeing as though i am only 19 I have not yet learn all i need to about politics. 
Your level of access to cultural power, based on things like ethnicity/race, gender, sexual identity, age, level of education, differently-abledness, etc.
  • i dont feel comfortable answering this question


Based on your plans for Project 3, answer the following… 

How are you thinking about your audience for this project? Who are you going to make this for? Describe them.
  • I am going to make my project for the general public. I hope i can provide new information on my subject
What beliefs and assumptions might this audience already hold? What position are they likely to take on this issue? How will you respond to that position?
  • My argument is going to be concerning Sea World. I think most people will side with releasing the animals in captivity
How might they react to your argument?
  • Most people concerning this topic tend to get really amped up about it so i expect a lot of opinions
How are you going to relate to or connect with your audience? Are there any specific words, ideas or ways of arguing that will help you relate to them in this way?
  • I think doing a video essay will emotionally appeal to my audience
Think of one specific person or a set of people you know personally or professionally who fall within the definition of ‘target audience’ you’re using for Project 3. What could you tell them or say to them in order to convince them of your perspective? What would need to happen for them to agree with you?
  • I think my target audience would be people who dont know about the Sea World controversy and those for the matter. I would need a very strong research background

What do you want to accomplish with Project 3? What affect do you want it to have on your intended audience? For instance:

What might you want your audience to do after reading/watching/listening to my project?
  • I want my audience to feel more educated on the matter and have sources to further educate themselves
What might you want your audience to consider after reading/watching/ listening to your project?
  • I want them to consider mainstream animal cruelty and how it is handled in today's age
What might you want your audience to believe after reading/watching/ listening to your project?
  • I want then to believe in hope for a better future for the creatures we share the world with
       2.    Once you’ve done all your research and figured out what you think about the
              controversy you’ve chosen, what still needs to be accomplished? For instance:

Is there anything that still needs to be explained or pointed out to the people talking about this issue?
  • The actual longevity and living conditions of orcas in the wild
Is there anything that the people arguing about this need to be reminded of or made aware of?
  • just because you hear one controversial thing does not necessarily mean it's true
Are there any perspectives on the issue that still need to be expressed?
  • more benefits of SeaWorld. Mostly now it's the harm
Are there any persons who we still need to hear from?
  • SeaWorld director
Is there any information that we still need to gather?
  • yes. as of what right now i am unsure


What are the particular circumstances surrounding this assignment?
  • This assignment concerns a public argument.

What genre?

What course genre will you be writing in for Project 3?
  • video essay
What kinds of audience expectations come along with this genre, generally?
  • i would say mostly younger adults / teenagers
What is your history working in the genre you have selected for Project 3?
  • I recently purchased a go-pro and have been playing around with that type of video editing.
Describe your comfort level and general feelings about the genre. How will they affect your work on Project 3?
  • I actually have a lot of fun editing videos but i wish i had better software
What are the two most effective conventions in this genre, in your opinion? Why? Be specific.
  • imaging for emotional appeal
  • voice for tone


Are there any historical events that might impact how your audience perceives your argument or the kind of background information or evidence you need to include? For instance, does media reporting on any of the following involve your issue/subject for Project 3?:
  • Tilikum has killed 3 people since being captured
The approval or rejections of laws and/or budgets by the Executive branch of the U.S. government.
  • 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act
The explanations made for legal decisions in the Judicial branch of the U.S. government.
  • public outcry
       2.    Who else is talking about this topic? Provide us with working hyperlinks to coverage of the controversy on FOUR different media outlets.
        3.    What are the three or four major counter-arguments you’ll have to respond to, based upon what people are saying in the press/media? Be specific and cite your sources using working hyperlinks.

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