Sunday, April 3, 2016

Research Report

This blog will analyze all of my research sources.


Title, author & host of source
Sea World

The source’s author(s)
The author is not specifically stated on the website. The unknown author does use hyperlinks to outside sources to back their supposed facts.
 "Here's the truth:

The target audience for the source
This target audience is "Blackfish" viewers. We can tell by how the website is structured and literally being titled "The Truth About Blackfish".
"Why 'Blackfish' is Propaganda not a Documentary"

The source’s main purpose or message
The purpose is to rebut the movie "Blackfish". 
"We object to 'Blackfish' because its two central premises are wrong"
"the film conveys falsehoods"

Any important contextual details
"And the collections four decades ago were conducted in compliance with federal laws, pursuant to federally-issued permits at that time"
"The film relies on former SeaWorld employees, most of whom have little experience with killer whales, and others who haven’t worked at SeaWorld in nearly 20 years"


Title, author & host of source
Gabriela Cowperthwaite

The source’s author(s)

The target audience for the source
General Public. 
"But as I moved forward, I knew that we had a chance to fix some things that had come unraveled along the way" 

The source’s main purpose or message
Inform the general public about Sea World's practices.  

Any important contextual details
Another contribution source


Title, author & host of source
The Killer in the Pool
Tim Zimmermann

The source’s author(s)
"I am a Washington-DC based writer, interested in politics, history and adventure. I am a Correspondent for Outside magazine, Associate Producer and Co-Writer of the documentary Blackfish, a former Senior Editor and Diplomatic Correspondent for US News & World Report, and author of The Race (Houghton Mifflin, 2002)." source 

The target audience for the source
The general public.
"In 1972, the Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibited the taking of marine mammals in U.S. waters, but SeaWorld continued to receive killer whale capture permits under an educational-display exclusion." uses facts to back information.

The source’s main purpose or message
The articles purpose is to inform people on the life of killer whales at Sea World.
"Yet no matter how nice the facility, there's stress associated with being a big mammal in a relatively small pool. "
"Many of his teeth were so worn and broken that SeaWorld vets decided to drill some of them so they could be regularly irrigated with antiseptic solution"

Any important contextual details
"SeaWorld's Fred Jacobs responds, "Witness accounts support that conclusion, and we have no reason to doubt it." he interviews Sea World employees
"Every safety protocol that we have failed," SeaWorld director of animal training Kelly Flaherty Clark told me a month after the incident, her voice still tight with emotion. "That's why we don't have our friend anymore, and that's why we are taking a step back." he has quotes from the director


Title, author & host of source

The source’s author(s)
53 sited sources

The target audience for the source
Public with access to an internet capable device
it is a website.

The source’s main purpose or message
Purpose is to provide information on SeaWorld's background.
"There are operations in Orange County, FloridaSan Diego, CaliforniaSan Antonio, Texas; and previously Aurora, Ohio"
"Opened March 21, 1964; 52 years ago, Ohio"

Any important contextual details
"In 2016, SeaWorld announced that they would end their in-park breeding programs, and eventually phase out their killer whale shows altogether"


Title, author & host of source
Opinion: SeaWorld vs. the Whale that Killed its Trainer
Kenneth Brower

The source’s author(s)
"He is best known for his many books about the environment, national parks, and natural places, many of them in hundreds of libraries and by major publishers, including several titles in the series The Earth's Wild Places published by the Friends of the Earth in the 1970s"

The target audience for the source
Blackfish viewers and non the general public.
"Watch the television premiere of "Blackfish," Thursday, October 24, at 9 p.m. EST on CNN."
"Blackfish and its themes set me to thinking again about Orcinus orca, the killer whale, the sea's supreme predator, and our strange, ambivalent view of this animal and the narratives we impose on it."

The source’s main purpose or message
Another point of view of the SeaWorld controversy
"SeaWorld's Letter of Denial"
"The Veterinarian's Role"

Any important contextual details
"Reading the autopsy report, I suddenly remembered—and then could not forget—several seconds of chilling documentary footage shot at Punta Valdez in Argentina"

"Psychotic," orca researcher Ken Balcomb, of Washington State, says in aBlackfish interview, searching for a word to describe how Tilikum came out of this experience"

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