Saturday, February 27, 2016

Report on My Interviews

In this blog post, I am supposed to evaluate both of my interviewees but I have only interviewed one so far.This post will center around Kylie Smith until my second interview is conducted.


In my interview with Kylie, we mostly discussed her parasitology lab. She is an undergraduate / graduate in the masters accelerated program at the U of A so she is in the last year of her undergrad. With this privilege, she is taking mostly grad level classes with only one undergrad class in her schedule. She mostly uses email, texting, and formal essay type writing in the case of her defense.

How Are The Genres Different?

Kylie described her comfort level with how she communicates with her colleagues. When communicating with her research team or people she is comfortable with, she will text and be more informal.

When she is speaking to her bosses or directors she uses email to communicate more formally. Her defense at the end of this semester will be a speech basically defending her senior thesis. Her thesis will be an essay / paper she will write on her 3 year long research project.

What Is Challenging About These Genres?

Texting - With texting it can be difficult to judge how informal you can be with a person especially if one person is very comfortable with the relationship and one is more formal.

Email - Email can be very time consuming. For example, with these interviews we are conducting, we need an answer fairly quickly but our interviewees may not check their emails as often as we are forced to and therefore do not respond as quickly.

Essay / Paper - A paper, especially a thesis, is difficult in the sense of content. A paper needs to be heavy enough to convey all of the authors thoughts and arguments while also staying entertaining.

What Is Exciting About These Genres?

Texting - Texting is exciting because if shows you have formed a bond with someone well enough to have their personal number. Plus, you can get quick responses from it.

Email - Email is exciting because you can get in contact with someone anywhere in the world as long as you know their email. For example, I could email Dr. Jeffery from my "From Academia to Social Media" blog.

Essay / Paper - A paper can be exciting if you are passionate about what you are writing about and truly want to inform other people about the subject.

Where In Mass Media Can These Genres Be Found?

Texting can be found on a typical phone or in screenshot form on the internet.

Email can be found on the internet, not necessarily on social media.

Essays and papers are also easily accessed through the internet. Sometimes, even Facebook and Twitter links lead their audience to outside essay sources. A very popular thing now is open letter articles.
MacEntee, Sean. "thesis" 10/14/2010 via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic

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