Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review 2

My rubric for Jackson's piece can be found here.
Jackson's blog post can be found here.
My rubric for Nicholas's piece can be found here
Nicholas's blog post can be found here.

From grading Nicholas and Jackson's projects, more specifically Jackson's QRG, I learned that this project is a lot of information kind of thrown at the reader. Whether or no the audience is interested in the subject does not matter, but how the author can intrigue the audience into becoming interested. This can be difficult with the amount of information in our projects but done right, the outcome can be great.

3 issues: 

One of my biggest issues right now I think is fluidity. I did not try to perfect my draft therefore I will need to tweak it to make sure it flows well and is interesting. 
Another issue with my project is pictures. I do not utilize my white space enough. I only have 2 pictures at the beginning and end so I will need to correct that to maintain the readers attention.
The last issue I think I have is structure. I definitely need to go back through my project and make it as sound as it can be especially building up to the public arguement.

3 strengths:

One strength I think my piece possesses is my passion in it. I was really interested in my controversy and genuinely want my audience to be also.
Another strength I think my piece has is the conventions. Although I do have to build on them, I tried to incorporate as much as I could without going overboard and losing audience.
The last strength I think my piece possesses is my sources. I researched every one of my sources and with doing that was able to connect a lot of information. Information was solidified and both sides of my controversy were presented well. 

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