Saturday, February 27, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

This blog post will continue to delve into the journal I have been looking into in my past blogs.

Author and Their Social Media

Nicholas Jeffery - Twitter , LinkedIn , Facebook


Nick Jeffery's social media pages are all very professional from what I can gather. His Facebook account is private so I cannot comment on that, but his Twitter page is public. His recent Twitter is mostly him retweeting Vodafone tweets from other people.

In my search, I learned that Nick is a DVM. with a PhD. (very hard). He lives in The UK.

Social Media vs. Academic Journal

The piece from the journal I chose did not specifically state what author offered what information. With that being said, the article is very formal and factual. This is also how Nick Jeffery portrays himself in his social media. If his Facebook page says otherwise to people that can view it, then it is very professional and smart of him to keep it private.
Searls, Doc. "zoe1" 02/03/2012 via flickr. Attributions 2.0 Generic

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