Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Discipline

This blog will further explore Veterinary Science for project 2.

What Do Vet Sci Students Learn?

Veterinary Science student' studies mainly focus heavily on biology, chemistry, and physics sciences. The point of a Veterinary Science degree is to gain a fundamental understanding of animal anatomy and disease while gaining outside experience before going on to an actual veterinary school.

What Kind of Profession Do They Go Into?

People with a Veterinary Science degree can go on to  be veterinary scientists, obedience trainers, pet groomers, veterinarians, animal care and service workers, and veterinary technologists and technicians. Most of these professions handle pets, zoo animals, and livestock.

Why Did I Choose Vet Sci?

Ever since I was little, I have always told people I want to be a veterinarian. Before coming to college, I had a little bit of an identity crisis and thought to myself "what if I don't want to be a vet I've just been told I would be good at it for so long that I feel obligated to do it now?". This forced me to declare Undeclared as my major and I looked into being a human doctor for a while. After about a month I realized the only reason I was thinking about being an MD was due to my obsession with Grey's Anatomy. I now and back with Vet Sci and will soon be declaring. I love animals and it breaks my heart to see them suffer especially at the hands of people. If I can  do anything to help them, I feel it is my moral duty to be a voice for the voiceless.

3 Important People

6th Global Veterinary Summit - I chose this organization because of the sheer mass of it. There are so many medical minds that congregate.

International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine - In high school, I took a marine biology class and it was easily the best class I have ever taken. I love marine life and this organization centers around it!

American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association - This organization is important because it caters to me. I am a pre-vet undergrad and this organization provides information on conferences I can attend and being a part of a community like this looks very good on a veterinary school application.

3 Leading Vet Sci Journals

Journal of Veterinary Science - Seoul, South Korea

Wakefield, Sean. "Veterinary Nurse,34" 06/26/2007 via flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial-                                                                             ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

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