Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Interview Subjects

This blog post will begin my process for project 2 by outlining my interview subjects.


Kylie Smith

Paula D. Johnson


Kylie Smith is currently a graduate student at the University of Arizona. She has recently been accepted into the accelerated masters program.

Paula Johnson is the Head of Veterinary Surgery at the University of Arizona Animal Care,
Executive Director, Southwest Association for Education in Biomedical Research and also a 
Consulting Veterinarian.


Kylie Smith has a degree in Microbiology from the University of Arizona.

Paula Johnson has a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree along with an MS masters degree.


Kylie Smith is a graduate student and is still working toward completing her masters. She is curently working on her own research project that she has been conducting for the past 3 years.

I am currently unable to clearly state how long Dr. Johnson has been in this field with the information I am able to view online.

Kylie Smith
Kylie Smith

Paula D. Johnson


Kylie Smith- 11:30am Wednesday 2/24/2016 in the Arbol de la Vida great room

Paula Johnson- 11:30am Monday 2/29/2016 via phone call

Interview Questions:

Kylie Smith

  • Where did you get your undergraduate degree?
  • What was your degree?
  • Why did you pick U of A for Grad school?
  • Do you have a current vet science job? Internship?
  • Why did you choose to go into this profession?
  • Can you describe the main form of communication you use to connect with your colleagues? What about the general public? Are you required to publish work as a graduate student?
  •  What other genres do you use? Social media? Conference / Lectures? Email / texting?
  • How do you manage your time with these publications?
  • I see you've done research in a lab setting, could you describe that experience to me and what kinds of work you had to do?
Paula Johnson

  • Where did you get your undergraduate degree?
  • What was your degree?
  • Where did you go to graduate school why did you pick this school? Did you receive your MS while you were in graduate school or before?
  • What is your official title / how would you describe your job?
  • Why did you choose to go into this profession?
  • Can you describe the main form of communication you use to connect with your colleagues? What about the general public?
  •  What other genres do you use? Social media? Conference / Lectures? Email / texting?
  • How do you manage your time with these publications?
  • Would you be able to give me examples of these types of genres that I can access online maybe?
Hurst,Matthew."Interview Questions"09/29/2010 via flickr. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

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