Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

This blog will further explore my interviewees for project 2.


Kylie Smith is still in her accelerated masters program. She has not yet published any professional work but she will be presenting her research project, her defense, within the next few months.

Paula Johnson is a DVM MS. Most works that I have found by Dr. Johnson have been long papers concerning her research.


Like I previously stated, since Kylie is a student still, she has not yet published any professional work.

Two examples of Dr. Johnson's publications can be found here and here. Most publications by Dr. Johnson look very similar. They have a very professional beginning with an abstract that flows into the rest of the paper. 


Again, since Kylie is a student still, she has not yet published any professional work.

Dr. Johnson's choice of vocabulary is very sophisticated in her writing. It seems as though her intended audience is a more complex very specific group.
 "The objective of this study was to orally treat pregnant CDR(CD) Sprague-Dawley rats with large bolus doses of either TCE (500 mg/kg), TCA (300 mg/kg), or DCA (300 mg/kg) once per day on days 6 through 15 of gestation to determine the effectiveness of these materials to induce cardiac defects in the fetus." This article was written in August of 2001.

In her second article, Dr.Johnson caters more to the general public. The topic of this article is the practicality of using animals as research subjects. Her vocabulary changes very much in this article. She speaks more in laymen terms such as "Likely the most critical step in designing animal experiments is the identification of the most appropriate animal model to address the experimental question being asked". 


The message of Dr. Johnson's first piece is to convey the effect of certain drugs on fetuses. I concluded this from her intro "determine the effectiveness of these materials to induce cardiac defects in the fetus".

The message of the second piece is to prove to the general public how animal testing is beneficial in the long run and how there are regulations researchers have to follow. She analyzes the "logistics of the actual performance of the animal experiments" and provides outside sources to back her information up.


The purpose of Dr. Johnson's first piece is to analyze the effects of drugs on rat fetuses versus a control group. Also if there is actually any effect on their hearts. "Further research is needed to quantify the spontaneous rates of heart defects for vehicle control rats"

The purpose of her second piece is to sympathize with her intended audience and provide reasonable justification for animals in research. "identifying the most appropriate statistical analyses and potential collaborators experienced in the area of study".

National Eye Institute. "Laboratory Research" 07/10/2012 via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic

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