Wednesday, February 3, 2016


For any solid research project, one must know an adequate amount about the information you are finding and about the people / sources that information comes from.

Facts About Animal Cloning
1) Who - The authors of this article are a part of the Amerian Anti-Vivisection Society. There is not one specific author of the article. This leads me to believe this post is very bias and could have skewed data but it is interesting how they add statistics and hyperlinks in their piece
2) What - This article highlights the ethical and moral issue of cloning which is essentially what DeExtinction is. It represents the anti-cloning side of this argument and whether or not DeExtinction should be legal.
3) Where - Like I previously stated, this article does not have one specific author rather it is promoted by an organization.
4) When - This article was published in 2010. This was the year Obamacare was put in place. Anti-cloning groups could argue that with the need for a national healthcare system, we do not have the means to fund a very expensive DeExtinction project

What Are the Risks of Cloning
1) Who - There is not one specific author for this article either. This comes from the University of Utah's Health Sciences.
2) What - This offers an anti-cloning point of view from the perspective of fact versus feeling. The University of Utah's Health Sciences department can provide statistics without the religious or personal bias behind their argument.
3) Where - Again this source came from the University of Utah. If this was an article from BYU Provo in Utah then there could be the question of bias since BYU is a predominantly LDS college and the question of morality would again come into play.
4) When  - This article was posted in 2016. Although 2016 is still in its beginning stages we are already concerned with who is running for president and what those peoples standings are. We recently had the Iowa caucus.

Bringing Extinct Species Back To Life
1) Who - This story was written by Carl Zimmer. He is a science writer for National geopraphic and can be found on many social media sights. He also has his own website. This makes him a very credible source.
2) What - This offers my project a strong backbone story with outside sources and interesting facts. This article has Alberto Fernandez's whole experiment mapped out which will greatly help me in getting down to the facts and creating a solid project.
3) Where - This story came from National Geographic. They are known for having articles containing fats and stories about geography and culture and science. They also are very credible.
4) When - This article was published April of 2013. 2013 was the year Nelson Mandela and Paul Walker died. Also it was the year of the Harlem Shake and the Royal baby was born.

The First De-extinction: Alberto Fernandez-Arias at TEDxDeExtinction

1) Who - The author of this source is Alberto Fernandez-Arias himself. This is the man that created the controversy I am doing my project on. Without him, and scientists like him, I would not have a project.
2) What - This offers my project its foundation. A first hand account and outline of what happened during this experiment. This represents arguably the biggest stakeholder in my project: Alberto.
3) Where - This special edition of TED talks occurred in Washington DC. The entire conference was brought together specifically to speak on the subject of DeExtinction and therefor could potentially have a bias toward cloning.
4) When - This conference was held March 15, 2013. This was my sophomore year of high school I had just turned 16 two days earlier and almost died from an antibiotic I was taking that I was apparently allergic to. This was also the year Nelson Mandela died. The world was in heartache over the loss.

TEDx DeExtinction
1) Who - This article also does not have one specified author. Instead the page was written by the original TED writers. On this page, they have a link to the organizations personal TED page with links to their Twitter and Facebook feeds.
2) What - This is a source of sources. This page has links to all 19 TEDx DeExtinction talks and along with those videos are the people that perform them. Those scientists then have their information and the cycle grows, allowing me to exponentially build my project.
3) Where -The original TED organization is based out of New York. If they are able to afford to run their business out of New York, one can assume they have the means to fully research a topic before it is presented. That said, most TED talks are from a personal perspective and do have a sense of bias.
4) When - This webpage was created January 29th, 2013.

Revive and Restore
1) Who - This website was created by Stewart Brand. Stewart is an American author and scientist. He is the main person that put together the TEDx DeExtinction conference. Without his efforts and contribution to the science community, I would not have a project.
2) What  - This source provides Brands project of Revive and Restore. This provides an explanation of the DeExtinction project and what specific animals they are currently working on bringing back to life. This provides other examples of DeExtinction that I an incorporate into my project.
3) Where - The company is based out of San Francisco, CA. This website comes directly from Stewart Brand who presents a bias for cloning.
4) When - This foundation, The Long Now Foundation, was established in 1996. In 1996, Motorola introduced the worlds lightest mobile phone. July 5, 1996 Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be successfully cloned.This was a year of growth and the public was ready for a little disturbance. The perfect time to establish this website.

All This Talk About DeExtinction is Endangering the Whole Idea
1) Who - Jason Koebler is a science journalist at Motherboard. He can be found on TwitterReddit, and LinkedIn.
2) What - This article provides both sides of the cloning argument and hyperlinks to further sources. It also links to a TED talk that I am already using as a source. The hyperlinks to other sources is going to be very beneficial to my project.
3) Where - This article comes from Motherboard. Motherboard is an online magazine dedicated to science and technology. The writes for this magazine all have to go through a process of research and making sure their sources are credible which strengthens my use of it.
4) When - This was published March 26, 2014. 2014 was the year of Ebola. The Malaysia Airlines flight disappeared. The FIFA was held in Brazil. I feel like the tension of the DeExtinction had died down as this was a year after the TED talks.

1) Who - The author (speaker) of this is David Ehrenfeld. David is a professor of Biology at Rutgers University. Although he himself is a scientist his views are against the idea of DeExtinction.
2) What - This video / TED talk provides my project with an argument from the inside. A scientist that opuses the possible growth of science. His old school mentality could skew his views.
3) Where - This was a part of the TEDx conference that took place in Washinton DC.
4) When - The conference was held March 15, 2013. This was the year every Russian spontaneously had a dash cam and were able to capture the meteor crashing into the earth.

Scientists and Belief
1) Who - This article was written by David Masci. He can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter. He is the senior writer / editor for the Pew Research Center where he is an expert on religion and science.
2) What - This article will give me a sense of the science communities beliefs. I think most people assume scientists do not believe in God and this will provide me with the tools to provide information to my readers.
3) Where - This article is from the Pew Research Center which is located in Washington DC. The Pew Research Center is a "fact tank" that provides the public information on issues.
4) When - This article was published on November 5, 2009.

The 10 Minutes When Scientists Brought A Species Back From Extinction
1) Who - This article was written by Alexis C. Madrigal. He was a senior editor for The Atlantic but now works at Fusion as editor-in-chief. he can be found on Twitter.
2) What - This article builds on my previous source from Carl Zimmer, ,using his quotes and opinions and growing upon them. This can allow me to further add to my project.
3) Where - This article was featured in The Atllantic. It covers news on politics, business, culture, technology, national, international and life. 
4) When - This was published March 18, 2013. This was the year the TEDx DeExtinction occurred.

Zaragoza Salvaje tu EcoZarBlog "Bucardo" 06/11/2007 via flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

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