Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 8a

This blog will provide one section of my rough draft.

Outline Item:

3 Body Sections:

1. Graduate students do not have many if any major publications. They mostly are working towards being able to publish their work.

"one of the classes you have to take as a graduate student is called seminar and its to prepare you for [your defense." - Kylie Smith
"to finish your undergraduate degree you have to do something called a defense... [It] is a meeting where you defend your thesis and prove that you can do research and do it well while also telling people in a way that matters." - Kylie Smith

These quotes from Kylie Smith, a graduate student at the U of A, prove that it is hard work to be noticed by the outside world from a graduate student that is still trying to make a name for themselves. This is important information for me and what my future college career will consist of.

Adaptation of Outline Item

Project 2 rough cut

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