Saturday, January 23, 2016

Course Projects

English 109H with Professor Sean Bottai will have four major projects: a controversy postmortem, a rhetorical investigation, a public argument, and a reflective self-assessment. This blog will explore questions, concerns, and other main points of these four projects.

Q: What are you most confused by or nervous about in regards to the four major projects?
The project guides are really helpful and provide adequate resources and information to complete each assignment. I would say though I am most nervous about learning how to create each genre: college essay, video essay, podcast, and quick reference guide. I am not the most tech savvy person but I think I will be able to figure it out with some assistance. Also I am nervous about learning how Professor Bottai grades and what he expects from us.

Q: What are you most interested in or excited by in regards to the four major projects?
I am definitely excited to get the chance to really research a specific aspect of my intended career / major. If we were not doing this project I probably would not research these things on my own like what mediums our professions use and different inside conflicts / arguments. I am excited to be able to interview someone who currently works in my intended profession and see what it might actually be like when I get to do it myself. 

Q: Based on your understanding of the major projects, what are the elements of this course that you have to plan ahead for? How will the coursework described in the four project assignment sheets challenge your time management skills this semester?
A: I think the research aspect of all of these projects will be the biggest thing we will have to plan for and will take up the most time. I am hoping that my interest in the subject will encourage me to really delve into my research. 

Q: How has your past English coursework in high school or college prepared you for the challenges of this course? What skills will you bring into the course with you?
I have never had course with work that required the use of technology and editing software so I do feel slightly under-prepared. My junior year English teacher really forced me to get into my work and think more in depth about what I was writing,whereas my senior English teacher completely reversed that process and made me loathe writing. I do feel like my interest I have for the subject I choose will help me. My dad is also an IT specialist and I feel like he passed some of that on to me so I do not think I will have too much difficulty figuring out how to use the technology we are required to use in class.

Q:Do you have any questions about the four major projects that haven't been answered by the assignment sheets? What do you still want to know?
A: The project sheets seem very helpful and answer pretty such all of my questions. Just to clarify though the first two project assignments are purely based off of research and facts and not opinion correct? The only "persuasive" assignment is the argument? Will we be allowed to conduct an interview with someone in our profession via phone call or Skype or does it need to be an in person interview?

My comments on Coby Allred's blog can be found here.

My comments on Sarah Hansens's blog can be found here.

I believe I provided sufficient information on podcasts and how they are used without exceeding the writing limit / attention span of a blog. I do, however, appreciate Alexis and Ben's input about adding in the fact that podcasts are more mobile and accessible than an essay type text. Though I do not necessarily agree with Alexis's comment about a  podcast being a medium for an essay. A podcast can be used as that type of medium, however, a lot of podcasts contain dialogue and more than one person going back and forth between each other bouncing ideas / facts off one another.

MacEntee, Sean. "assignment" 12/02/2010 via flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic


  1. I agree, its really exciting to get to choose our own research project and study something in our own field. The tech-savvy was a concern of mine too, but like you said the project guides are really helpful and provide us with some information about that too.

  2. I definitely agree that learning how to complete each of the genres is going to be difficult, especially if you are not that great in a particular style, like video or audio.
    In addition to that, it will be exciting to research topics I ordinarily wouldn't bother getting involved in. However, this will be a very time consuming process. On my post, I put that research will be one of the longest parts of all of the projects.
    The use of a lot of technology in an English class is a interesting and new concept. All of my English professors in high school required the use of pen and pencil, so it is very refreshing to see technology applied in this class.

  3. I agree that the research requires the most planning and I also think that it will be a challenge for me. Also, my high school courses did not prepare me very well for use of editing software or really anything other than the traditional essay, so many of us will be figuring this out together.
