Q: What type(s) of writer do you consider yourself to be?
A: I consider myself to be a mixture between a Heavy Reviser and a Procrastinator type writer. In high school, we would sometimes get a class period to start a rough draft of a paper then we would finish up the next day. I normally got the worst case of writers block on the first day and just stare at my taunting blank paper. But on the second day, the due date, I would all of the sudden have all of these thoughts and opinions that went through my head almost too quickly for me to write them down. This normally left me just enough time at the end of class to go back through my paper and proof read it.
Q: Does your writing process include several of the above approaches? If so, which ones?
A: As I previously stated, I believe I have writing characteristics from both the Procrastinator and Heavy Editor groups. I am a procrastinator in that I am very left-brained and I prefer Science and Math over subjects like English and Art so I never had the drive to work on essays for long periods of time. This was only perpetuated by having a horrible AP Literature teacher my senior year of high school.
Q: Does your writing process seem to be successful? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your approach?
A: I feel like for the most part my style of writing proves successful while also fitting my personality. I have never written anything like a Heavy Planner would that I have actually liked. I have a tendency to over-critic myself and make so many changes that my finished product sounds artificial and like it was written by someone else. A weakness to my approach is sometimes I have so many ideas that I cannot write down quickly enough to get everything in the piece and also proof read. Usually proof reading gets pushed aside in order to fit in content.
Q: Do you think it might be beneficial for you to try a different approach? Why or why not?
A: I think I would benefit from a more sequential composers approach. If I were to try a Heavy Planner approach, I believe I would become too bored with the content unless it be something that I am very passionate about or enjoy. The sequential composers approach, however, is similar to what I was taught my Sophomore that I then used as a building block for my Junior year, which was also my best year of writing.
Q: If you could sum up your feelings about your writing process in one image, what would it be?
A: This picture sums up how I feel about writing. To me it says "this is going to suck but you'll make it though, after all, it's only lightning not a hurricane". I like the man standing there almost annoyed at how the storm is interfering with his plans.
Worster, Jerry. "I'll Praise You in the Storm..." 05/13/2015 via flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License
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